Effective and Affordable Acupuncture Treatment
Richard Newman, a local acupuncturist working in Christchurch and Dr Joe Nyman, a local GP and qualified acupuncturist, are collaborating to offer an effective and affordable acupuncture service for people affected by chronic pain.
We are looking for 8 people to attend weekly sessions of approximately 1-hour duration for 6 consecutive weeks on a Friday between 11:30 and 13:30 at the Wessex Health Network.
The cost will be £90 for the full 6-week course of treatment.
Our aim is to help people reduce medication taken for pain and experience the benefits that acupuncture can have for pain management.
We also advocate lifestyle changes that have been shown to help with pain related conditions.
How does it work?
All consultations are conducted in private. The acupuncture treatment will be in our large therapy room that allows up to 8 people to be treated at the same time.
Patients may be seated or on a couch (depending on need) and screened off from their neighbours.
Routinely we will be placing acupuncture needles in the forearm/hands or lower leg/feet. Therefore, it is important to wear suitable clothes that allow us to access these parts of the body.
We expect patients to use the time when the needles are in place to relax, and refrain from talking to other patients during treatment.
Any queries please contact Richard Newman on 07919163619