Acupuncture practitioners look at the body like a series of pipes circulating blood, nerves and energy throughout the body.
Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Frozen Shoulder, Back & Neck Pain
Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8am to 7pm
Contact : 07919 163619
Acupuncture practitioners look at the body like a series of pipes circulating blood, nerves and energy throughout the body.
Tension-type headaches are the most common form of headache. Doctors can often recommend acupuncture for headaches as it is listed as being effective by the WHO (World Health Organisation
Tendonitis treated with Acupuncture As Bournemouth Acupuncture have decided to sponsor AFC Bournemouth we thought we would let you know how successful acupuncture is in the recovery of sports injuries . Being injured can be very frustrating no matter what level of sport you play and each sport can present different injuries. However one common […]